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Dr. Roger E. Marks and wife Edwyna moved their family to Glen Rose, Texas sight unseen from Plymouth, New Jersey after answering an ad in a medical journal. In 1949 Dr. and Mrs. Marks traveled three days with a first grader and baby boy to their new home in Glen Rose, Texas.  Dr. Marks traveled the back roads of Somervell County patching wounds and delivering babies, often to be paid with a sack of corn or a side of beef. 

Dr. Roger Marks was a pillar of the community in all facets of life. Dr. Marks served as the Mayor of Glen Rose, a school board member and team physician to the Glen Rose Tigers. Dr. Marks was the founding President of the Optimist Club, and served on the board at First United Methodist Church of Glen Rose. Dr. Marks even established the community’s first library. 


With amazing foresight, Dr. Marks envisioned a single campus, a continuum of health care with a hospital engaged with primary care physicians’ offices and connected to a nursing home.  After plunging most of his life savings, the Marks-English Hospital opened in 1971 where Glen Rose Medical Center stands today. 


The Dr. Roger E. Marks Healthcare Foundation was established in 2006 as a way for generous families and individuals to secure the vitality of our capabilities right here at home.  The Dr. Roger E. Marks Healthcare Foundation is a not for profit, tax exempt corporation, established to raise, receive and allocate gifts for the benefit of growth for Glen Rose Medical Center. 


While hospital operating margins are shrinking, costs for advanced equipment is not. And to stay on the forefront we must continuously update for the best in patient care. 


The legacy is ours to establish and support so that Dr. Marks legacy commitment can inspire the future of visionary health care for our entire community. 

Success Stories


Jennifer Marks Underwood

Tammie Apodaca

Pam Parsons

Gary Wittle

Charla Foster

Brian Thomas

Ann Claybaugh

Angie Robertson

Ymke Condy

Thank you donors for assisting the Foundation to purchase equipment.


ISD Analyzer – Lab @ GRMC


Biodex Unweighing Harness – Outpatient Therapy @GRMC


Surgery Lamp- Surgery Dept. @ GRMC


Emergency Room Sign@ GRMC


EKG Machine-Cardiopulmonary Dept. @ GRMC


$25, 000 contribution towards the purchase of passenger vans for the SeniorCare program at GRMC


Chemistry Analyzer Lab @ GRMC


Holter Monitor System Cardio Dept.  @ GRMC


Ablation Machine Surgery


Sonosite Machine and stand


2 patient surgery beds


 LUCAS Chest Compression Device  “thumper”


4 Stryker Patient Wheelchairs


Elliptical Outpatient Therapy


Treadmill Outpatient Therapy

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Phone: (254) 897-2215             E-mail:         Address: P O Box 773 Glen Rose, Texas 76043

Copyright 2024 by Dr. Roger E. Marks Healthcare Foundation. 

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